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    专利号 200520012266.x 所有权人 王友坚
    完成时间 2005 关键词 洗碗机
    所属单位 绵阳职业技术学院 联系人 王友坚
    地区 四川 城市 绵阳
    详细地址 四川 邮政编码 621000
    联系电话 08162202127 传真号码 未知
    公司网页 未知 电子邮箱 [email protected]
    性质   发明专利  
    成熟度   小试 合作方式   独家转让
    标的金额   500 所属行业   家用电器
    暂无图片 成果演示Flash 暂无FLASH 成果演示视频 暂无视频
    1. 洗得干净。原理先进,技术成熟(超声波用于工业洗涤其效果众所周知)。且采用世界上独一无二的三段去油污法,去油污能力强。
    2. 绿色环保。正常洗涤时只需普通洗洁剂1—2滴(无不锈钢餐具时可不用洗洁剂),是其他超声波洗碗机用量的1/10—1/15,是人手工洗碗时的1/5---1/10,对环境污染特别小。加上清洗彻底,餐具上不存在洗洁剂 “残留”问题,因而也属绿色洗碗机。
    3. 节水。可一次洗16只碗碟,用水量在13升左右,比其他超声波洗碗机节水30%--40%(其他超声波洗碗机同等情况下用水约21升)。同时可对筷、勺、锅铲、奶锅等进行清洗(杯子暂无法洗)。
    4. 低噪。双层隔音设计,噪音低于国家标准
    5. 成本低廉,制造工艺简单。原配件国内均可采购(大量采用现有白色家电零配件),整机原配件成本约¥800---1000元左右(关键部件须自做)
    6. 具有自身清洁能力。
    7. 实现了全自动,人将脏碗等餐具放入后可不去管它,因而也兼有碗柜功能。
    8. 能量利用率高,结构紧凑。立式尺寸约为400x500x830(宽x长x高),台式的较一台微波炉略大。

    转让条件: 外商                        $280万+期权(或股权)
               港台地区                    ¥1000万+期权(或股权)
               国内厂家及投资公司           面谈
    Chinese  ultrasonic  dishwasher
    A patent technique filling up the domestic household appliances field
    A super household ultrasonic and automatic dishwasher with the functions of environmental protection and self-cleaning
    1. The working principle of the dishwasher is advanced, and the technique is mature. It adopts a special three-segment method and can remove the greasy dirt easily and thoroughly.
    2. In normal conditions, it only needs one or two drops of the common  detergent to wash away dirt , which is one tenth or one twentieth as much as other kinds of ultrasonic dishwashers ,and is a third or a fifth the amount of the detergent when dishes are washed by hand. The machine causes very little environmental pollution. In addition, the cleaning is thorough and there is no detergent left on the cutlery. As a result, it belongs to the green dishwasher.
    3. It needs only  about  13 liters  water at most once in a day and it can almost do all the cleaning.( The glass can't be cleaned at present)
    4. It can disinfect the dishes with ozone and dry them. After a person puts dirty cutlery into the machine, it will do the cleaning automatically In addition, it can be used a as a cabinet for cutlery. .
    5. The utilization of energy is high and the structure of the dishwasher is tight and reasonable. The dimensions for the upright dishwasher are   about 380mm wide, 500mm long, and 780mm high. The desktop dishwasher is just a little bigger than a microwave oven..
    6. It also has the ability to clean itself.
    7. The cost is very cheap and the manufacturing craft is simple. All the parts can be purchased at home. The cost price of the machine ranges from ¥800 to1000 .
    8. Lower noise . it’s noise Terms of transference:
    ----¥ 10,000,000+ options (or shares)   (For companies in foreign countries or in the regions of Hong Kong and Taiwan )

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